How to Become a Culture City
Box-set (30 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm)
The work How to Become a Culture City (Blocks) is a box-set consisting of 45 oak blocks containing 226 letters, which describe Aalborg Municipality’s new Cultural Policy. The box-set allows the user to spell out the cultural policy’s six main focus areas:
Aalborg - where it is good to be an artist
Aalborg - where culture creates a vibrant municipality
Aalborg - where culture takes part in meaningful partnerships
Aalborg - where children and youth meet art and culture of high quality
Aalborg - with strong cultural institutions with a concise profile
Aalborg - where there is equality in culture
The work seeks to create a dialogue about what constitutes a sustainable cultural city and welcomes everyone who would like to re-activate the cultural policy to do so through reassembling the letters.
The work was exhibited at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg in Aalborg, Denmark.
Supported by Statens Kunstfond, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, and Kulturhuset Trekanten. A special thank you to Tømrer Sara Grønborg for carpentry assistance and chairman Mads Duedahl for lending his handwriting.
How to Become a Culture City
Knitting Pattern
The work How to Become a Culture City (Knitting Pattern) is a How to Manual which consists of nine suggestions on how to become a culture city derived from conversations with artists and art workers living in the region of Northern Jutland turned into a knitting pattern. Taking up the challenge of what constitutes a sustainable cultural city, the work seeks to engage the perspective of artists in the dialogue around formulating municipal cultural policies.
The work was exhibited as part of Nordic Sessions #1 - bureaukrati, formulerer, skemaer curated by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen for Performance Protocols at StartupWorks in Aalborg, Denmark.
Participating artists in Nordic Sessions #1 - bureaukrati, formulerer, skemaer:
Jesper Olsen, Scott William Raby, Sall Lam Toro, Kamilla Mez, Olof Olsson, and Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.
Link to press and event
Supported by KulturKANten, Nordisk Kulturfond, and Nordisk Kulturkontakt.
How to Become a Culture City
Poster (200 cm x 150 cm)
The work How to Become a Culture City (Poster) is a How to Manual which consists of nine suggestions on how to become a culture city derived from conversations with artists and art workers living in the region of Northern Jutland turned into a poster. Taking up the challenge of what constitutes a sustainable cultural city, the work seeks to engage the perspective of artists in the dialogue around formulating municipal cultural policies.
The work was exhibited at fertilizer. festival and functioned as the point of departure for the discussion-based event Hvordan bliver Aalborg en kulturby? (How can Aalborg Become a Culture City?) organized by Danish Vaishyas, BAIT, and Kamilla Mez at Studenterhuset in Aalborg, Denmark.
Participating artists in fertilizer. festival:
Nils Henrik Asheim, Manisdron, Fräzer, DJ Skolen, Line Elkjær, Mille Holtegaard, Jesper Olsen, Hjælp! (Andreas Tofteberg + Oliver Urth), Kamilla Mez, Oskar Krusell, Sandro Masai, Oana Camelia, Myxil, Halucinoptic Rex, Majken Lex, Sall Lam Toro, Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen, Slavomir Shepherd, and Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.
Link to event
Download the poster in both English and Danish here
Supported by UMMK, Studenterhuset, and Studenterpræsterne i Aalborg.
How to Become a Culture City
The Correspondents