Correct Redness, Correct Dullness

The work Correct Redness, Correct Dullness consists of a pattern printed on a white silk fabric. The pattern shows a selection of standard silicone shapes used in face operations widely available in the Asian cosmetic industry. The work is made in collaboration with a print manufacture in the suburbs of Beijing, who interpreted the instructions given about color and shape.

The work was exhibited as part of the group exhibition Response co-organized by I:project Space and COPING at Baitasi Remade, Beijing, China.  

Participating artists: Sif Hedegaard, Scott William Raby, Maj Horn, Nanna Lysholt Hansen, Johannes Sivertsen, Ditte Soria Boen, Astrid Myntekær, and Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.

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Supported by Statens Kunstfond and S. C. van Fonden

Correct Redness, Correct Dullness

The Correspondents