Digital Embrodery (140 cm x 140 cm)
The work Butterflies consists of a series of digital embroideries on fabric that feature a variety of appropriated butterfly emoji motifs. The work is based on a global frame of reference that unfolds across social media, for example in tech companies and celebrity culture. The primary function of the emoji is to substitute the emotional language otherwise missing from typed conversation online. By utilizing a repetitive pattern that show all currently available butterfly emojis from different companies such as: Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Skype, JoyPixels, Emojipedia, and LG, the work examines their design language, while exploring the economic interest embedded within each design.
The work was exhibted as part of solo-exhibition Butterflies at Studio Grundahl organized by Aalborg Kommunes Kunstfond and as part of the group exhibition Værksted at Kunsthal Nord in Aalborg, Denmark.
Participating artists in Værksted:
Sara Hagins, Svjetlana Došen, Helle Thorell, Sandro Masai, Mette Boje Røgild, Daniela Maciel, Sara Dominique, Karen Brøgger, Alex / Alexandra Jönsson, Alexander Holm Dremstrup, and Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.
Supported by Aalborg Kommunes Kunstfond, Statens Kunstfond, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, and Kulturhuset Trekanten.

The Correspondents